Thursday 30 August 2012

Cancelled :(

All the other people on my ride cancelled so they wouldn't do it just for me...I've ridden in a blizzard there before, bit of rain isn't going to hurt...wimps! I'd been looking forward to it for 4 months! Don't know when I'll next get to ride...

What do you guys do to get your horsey fix when you can't ride?

Beanz xxx

Tuesday 28 August 2012


I'm going riding on Thursday at my most favourite place on the North York Moors! Yay for summer riding...I hope the weather will be good! As an all weather rider I've ridden in some horrible snowy blizzards, hail and rainstorms but I never enjoy them as much as in good weather when I can focus on my riding better and the beautiful scenery.
I will make sure I post some pictures on here...I'm excited because as a poor student, I haven't ridden since the Easter holidays! Although I intend to join the riding society at uni this year...

A place I'd recommend

Caistor Equestrian Centre in North Lincolnshire (UK) is a great place to ride or keep your horse. They were really accommodating to me when I needed some cross country lessons for my AS PE coursework. I don't ride here regularly but it was the only place in the northern part of the country that I knew was really good because I'd ridden there before on holiday. It was a bit of a schlep because I don't even live in Lincolnshire but it was worth it.

It looks super fancy with the giant floodlights over the outdoor arena and huge indoor arena and stabling area but the people are really down to earth and I made a couple of friends on my work experience week that I still talk to on Facebook.

They have a cross country course on the new side and the old side (over the road) too. I believe there are also weekly dressage and show jumping competitions, 1 day events every so often and master classes with Joe Whittaker amongst other people. They also have summer camps and special activities during the holidays.

Here are some of the pictures taken of me riding there. I'm not so great at jumping and need lots more practice (confidence) but I figured I'd still share them :)

Enjoy xxx

Some of my drawings :)

I'm not an artist but I love to draw horses. I got back into drawing this summer because I had lots of free time because I get 4 months summer holiday at my uni! I intend to keep drawing because practice makes perfect and I'd like to be much better. I thought I'd share with you some of my older and more recent horse drawings, hope you enjoy!

I drew this one over two weeks ago whilst dog sitting for someone. I'd been linked the original and needed to kill some time so decided to do it. (<--- link to the original)

I drew the next ones a couple of years ago but only scanned them into my laptop a few months ago. This is a copy of a rearing horse poster I had in my room, I can't find the original image but I think it was similar to the one on the link

 This next one is meant to be an Andalusian as far as I can remember, I can't find the original picture but I got it off google images.

This is meant to be a Lipizzaner but I'm not sure where I copied it from, probably google images.
 The head isn't so great in this next one but I like the body which is odd for me because I'm usually better at heads.

 Just a random horse head, in the original picture it was doing dressage.

 In the next few drawings I focused in on different parts of a horse's head.

It's a horses hoof...the best one I've ever drawn actually. When I draw them on a full horse they usually go wrong.

 Random horse head :)

Hi and welcome!

Welcome fellow horse lovers to my blog about all things horsey! :) I'm hoping to fill it with a little bit of everything so it should include my horsey adventures, drawings of horses, horses in the news, amazing pictures of horses I find on Google that I need to share, horsey products and anything else I find interesting to do with horses that I think you will to.

To set the ball rolling, here is an awesome picture I found of a horse kicking a ball...much better than when the footballers do it! (PS I don't own the picture, I found it here

Spread the horsey love! :) xxx