Tuesday 28 August 2012

Some of my drawings :)

I'm not an artist but I love to draw horses. I got back into drawing this summer because I had lots of free time because I get 4 months summer holiday at my uni! I intend to keep drawing because practice makes perfect and I'd like to be much better. I thought I'd share with you some of my older and more recent horse drawings, hope you enjoy!

I drew this one over two weeks ago whilst dog sitting for someone. I'd been linked the original and needed to kill some time so decided to do it. http://9gag.com/gag/5005468 (<--- link to the original)

I drew the next ones a couple of years ago but only scanned them into my laptop a few months ago. This is a copy of a rearing horse poster I had in my room, I can't find the original image but I think it was similar to the one on the link http://nogoodforme.filmstills.org/images/black-stallion-rearing.jpg

 This next one is meant to be an Andalusian as far as I can remember, I can't find the original picture but I got it off google images.

This is meant to be a Lipizzaner but I'm not sure where I copied it from, probably google images.
 The head isn't so great in this next one but I like the body which is odd for me because I'm usually better at heads.

 Just a random horse head, in the original picture it was doing dressage.

 In the next few drawings I focused in on different parts of a horse's head.

It's a horses hoof...the best one I've ever drawn actually. When I draw them on a full horse they usually go wrong.

 Random horse head :)

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