Saturday 17 November 2012

Horsey uni placement wanted Sept '13 - August '14

Hey all!
I am currently in my second year studying BSc (Hons) Animal Behaviour and Welfare at Plymouth University and next year I get the opportunity to go on a placement year to gain some practical experience with animals before I go back to uni to do my final year.
I plan to work with horses at some point after uni, hopefully in natural horsemanship and horse whispering with troubled horses and so I'm looking to gain as much experience as possible with horses in general.
Do you own a stud yard, competition yard, trekking centre or horsey related business ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD and would you be looking for or willing to take on a hard working horse lover for 3-6 months (possibly longer depending on different placements) between September 2013 and August 2014?

I have been riding for over 9 years, I owned my own pony for 3 of those years and have had work experience at 2 riding schools so am experienced in general horse care and yard maintenance.

If you would be interested in taking me on or know someone that would, please email me on :)


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