Saturday 17 November 2012

Does anyone know this place? It's a riding stables in Austria...

It looks like a place I'd be interested in going to for my placement year and I was wondering if anyone knew it and could tell me what they thought of it!

Cheers :)

Horsey uni placement wanted Sept '13 - August '14

Hey all!
I am currently in my second year studying BSc (Hons) Animal Behaviour and Welfare at Plymouth University and next year I get the opportunity to go on a placement year to gain some practical experience with animals before I go back to uni to do my final year.
I plan to work with horses at some point after uni, hopefully in natural horsemanship and horse whispering with troubled horses and so I'm looking to gain as much experience as possible with horses in general.
Do you own a stud yard, competition yard, trekking centre or horsey related business ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD and would you be looking for or willing to take on a hard working horse lover for 3-6 months (possibly longer depending on different placements) between September 2013 and August 2014?

I have been riding for over 9 years, I owned my own pony for 3 of those years and have had work experience at 2 riding schools so am experienced in general horse care and yard maintenance.

If you would be interested in taking me on or know someone that would, please email me on :)


Horses - not just a hobby...they're a way of life!

This video is a must see for people that see horses as a way of life!
I don't own it, I just came across it today and thought I would share it :)

Horse & Rider: Understood by None

Beanz x

Current favourite breed

I love all horses, but I've always had a favourite breed at one time. Over the years these have included;
The Gypsy Vanner...

...the Thoroughbred...

 ...the Andalusian...

...the Oldenburg...

...and the Arab.

Currently however my favourite horse breed is the Friesian! They're gorgeous, big, black and powerful yet graceful. They're good at dressage but can also be crossed with Thoroughbreds to make good all round sports horses.
Check out these pictures and videos of their awesomeness :D


Videos on youtube
Without a doubt they are some of the most beautiful creatures I have EVER seen, I well up just watching YouTube videos of them :P

These aren't my pictures or videos but enjoy them courtesy of who ever took them :P

Thursday 20 September 2012

Anyone need a rider?

I was just wondering if anyone in South Devon in England was looking for someone to ride their horse for them sometimes when they were busy. I want to work with horses when I'm older and obviously riding is expensive so the more free riding I can get (whilst benefiting you) the better :D I've been riding since I was 10 (9 years now!), I had my own pony for 3 years until my mum got too ill to help train me (she was a qualified instructor and Michael Whittaker's first flatwork trainer...unfortunately I can't remember all the other people she worked for/trained that she mentioned when I was younger). I can walk, trot, canter, gallop (woohoooo haha) and jump! I am quite tall (5ft8.5/174cm) so I'd probably have to be riding around 15.2hh+. Below are some pictures of me riding over the years to prove I'm not a liar :P Would be nice to get an offer from someone! Beanz x

This is me on Blackie at my favourite place to ride in North Yorkshire in 2010, he's an American trotter but the owners trained him to canter and gallop normally...although when he gets excited or nervous he goes back into the crazy fast trot which is reeally bumpy!

This is me on a horse I rode on my 14th birthday (2007) on the beach in Wales :)

This is me on Eclipse on my 17th birthday in 2010.

Me on Blue in 2010 doing my AS PE cross country jumping :)

Me on my old pony Gem :)

Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron - my favourite movie!

My absolute favourite movie! Even though it's a cartoon, it still displays well the wild spirit, joy at freedom and love that a horse has (for each other and even for humans)...that I like to think I have. It's obvious the main character Spirit was named so because of the strong spirit he demonstrates throughout the movie, especially when he gets very feisty whilst the humans try and tame him. The scenes when he is galloping through the grassy plains move me deeply because I would love to be in that a horse or at one with a horse...the both of us wild and free.
Below I have put some pictures from the movie to give you an idea of what it's like if you haven't seen it before. I also know where you can find the movie online so pm me if you're interested in watching it! Without giving too much away it's about a mustang who grows up from foal to stallion, gets captured by humans who want to work him, he escapes and befriends a Red Indian and falls in love with his mare :)
Beanz x
Spirit and Rain

Spirit galloping free with an eagle

Horsie love <3

Thursday 30 August 2012

Cancelled :(

All the other people on my ride cancelled so they wouldn't do it just for me...I've ridden in a blizzard there before, bit of rain isn't going to hurt...wimps! I'd been looking forward to it for 4 months! Don't know when I'll next get to ride...

What do you guys do to get your horsey fix when you can't ride?

Beanz xxx